Finding Inspiration

Since nearly all of my New Year’s resolutions deal with the artsy side of things, I thought I’d take a look at what inspires me and where I find inspiration. Obviously, different people find inspiration in different things, but I think there are some general areas that anyone can look to.

Because I am interested in fashion as a career in the future, I find a lot of inspiration in looking at work by professionals, whether it’s the clothing, articles in magazines, blogs written by people in the industry, or books on fashion. Basically, I love anything that I can look at that teaches me more about any aspect of fashion.

I also love looking at my peers’ (i.e. other fashion bloggers) writing, opinions, and works. I feel like I learn just as much from them as I do from the professionals, especially in terms of thinking creatively. Other than blogs, I also enjoy perusing sites like Flickr and Etsy, because they exhibit so much creativity that I feel like they inspire me to be more creative.

But it isn’t just people that inspire me. Just looking at the world around me—nature, architecture, colors—gives me ideas for projects or makes me think about how to put together an outfit.

So what inspires you?

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